The inventors, George Foster and Fred Kesler, knew they had a powerful idea on their hands: a technology that could convert organic waste into energy. But its real potential was not entirely clear.
More than a decade of experimentation and testing would be required for the process to reveal its true value.
TerraNew’s chief investors, Malcolm Draper and Shannon Comp, recognized the opportunity to create a truly green technology that could benefit communities of all sizes while providing a solid ROI for investors. The promise of the early technology was so powerful that the founders put other interests on hold to pursue its development full time. Beyond providing financial backing, they devoted countless hours to personally researching technology improvements, identifying market opportunities, and building relationships that would move the process forward.
As the technology continued to evolve, it became evident that the real potential lay not just in destroying waste streams, but in transforming them to reclaim their beneficial components. Nutrient recovery emerged as the real innovation, and TerraNew was born.
TerraNew is ready to move out of the lab and embark on field testing as of the end of 2015.
At current capacity, the TerraNew system can process the thickened waste stream resulting from up to 500,000 gallons of organic waste in a 24-hour period.
From 2016 – 2020, TerraNew will be completing field testing, hardening and commercializing the technology, increasing production capacity, and expanding application of our technology.
Expanding Production Capacity
We anticipate scaling up production capacity from where we are now to accommodate the separated solids and nutrients from one million, five million, and 15 million gallons of wastewater per 24-hour period.
Expanding Applications
TerraNew is currently focused on sewage treatment as the organic waste stream with both the greatest need and the greatest immediate potential for growth of the technology. Over the next five years, we also plan to expand beyond sewage treatment to additional problematic waste streams, such as sugar cane, food processing, and animal manures.
We are committed to renewing the earth in its entirety one community at a time. Cost-effective, environmentally beneficial organic waste amelioration is a global challenge, and TerraNew aspires to provide a global solution.
We hope to work with communities and industry professionals throughout the world to keep pathogens from re-entering the environment and negatively impacting human health; at the same time, we will help communities recover beneficial nutrients from a variety of organic waste streams that can be transformed and re-introduced into agricultural lands to improve agricultural productivity.
TerraNew’s technology represents a solid investment opportunity that will yield a good return for our backers; for the people at the heart of the company, however, continued success means being able to reach further with our technology and help more communities improve their health and safety and create a brighter future for their citizens.