The TerraNew Solution

Chemistry meets engineering: A revolutionary step forward in nutrient recovery

New Thinking, New Approach

Traditional biosolid waste treatment is separation-based, relying on civil engineering processes that increasingly concentrate and filter nutrients and pathogens out of the waste streams. TerraNew’s solution is chemistry-based, using heat and chemicals in a reactor to destroy pathogens and transform the waste into a beneficial soil conditioner and plant nutrient source.

TerraNew’s chemistry-based process offers an advanced, full-service solution for converting organic waste streams into Exceptional Quality sludge. The process destroys pathogens, reduces vector attraction to zero, and has the potential to eliminate heavy metals.

Our solution represents a revolutionary step forward in nutrient recovery that:

  • Can be inserted at multiple points in existing wastewater treatment processes
  • Requires minimal capital expenditure, limited space, and no additional human resources for municipalities and corporations


The TerraNew process results in Exceptional Quality (EQ) biosolids that may be land applied without site restrictions because they meet critical EPA criteria outlined in “Environmental Regulations and Technology, Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge” (Part 503).