The TerraNew waste treatment process results in a liquid soil conditioner and plant nutritional supplement we call ZeFluent™. ZeFluent is immediately available for use on soils because of the way pathogens have been destroyed and nutrients have been transformed.
TerraNew adds nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and aqueous ammonia during the transformation process, which gives the agricultural products greater plant nutrient value than the original waste stream alone.
TerraNew does not just help eliminate the problems of organic waste—we transform waste into a resource. ZeFluent has marketability in its own right and presents an additional revenue stream for the company and investors, as well as environmental and economic benefits for local agricultural enterprises.
The TerraNew process results in Exceptional Quality (EQ) ZeFluent™ that may be land applied without site restrictions because they meet critical EPA criteria outlined in “Environmental Regulations and Technology, Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge” (Part 503):
The use of heat and chemicals in TerraNew’s process destroys pathogens completely and reduces vector attraction to zero. The enhanced nutrient value of TerraNew’s ZeFluent, combined with the safety and ease of handling of the finished product, makes it a better choice for land application than either Class A or Class B waste streams.